What would make an 18-year-old teenager, class president, and homecoming queen leave her family, boyfriend, and comfortable lifestyle to become a single “mommy” to thirteen Ugandan children? Sound like the American dream? An exciting book to read? A great American novel?
But Kisses from Katie is not a fiction book. It’s not just a “good book read.” And Katie Davis is just as real as your own daughter or granddaughter. Katie would be the first to tell you this journey is not what she planned. And no one would call it the great American dream. It’s certainly not what her parents envisioned. Then what’s her explanation for such a radical decision–to give her life away to strangers on the other side of the world?
“Jesus Wrecked My Life”
In her own words, Katie answers that question: “Jesus wrecked my life.” She thought her Christmas break venture to Uganda would be temporary. Then she’d return to the “normal” life of a teenager: cute designer clothes, a boyfriend, driving her own car–and probably college. But that’s not the way it turned out.
Changing the World, One Child at a Time
Her life is a book. And yes, she has written her story: Kisses from Katie. But she’s young. Jesus is still writing her story. Because Katie chose to return and to stay in Uganda. Her “new normal” is letting Jesus use her to change her Ugandan world, one person, one child, one day, one hour at a time.
You Must Read Her Book
You’ve probably heard about Katie Davis. And if you haven’t already read her book, you simply must. Then you’ll understand why it was a New York Times bestseller. But be prepared. It might change you. There’s nothing usual or ordinary about Katie’s story in this book. Katie–and her story–are absolutely extraordinary. Yet Katie thinks of herself as an ordinary, flawed human being. Her life has not been easy. But it’s been worth all the sorrow, all the trauma, all the discomfort that she has endured–and all the joy Jesus has brought into her life.
Lessons from Katie and Her Book
There’s no way I could summarize all the “takeaways” from Katie’s book, Kisses from Katie. And I suspect every person that reads it will find their own. But these are some things Katie shares:
- “God uses us in our brokenness. We simply have to be willing.”
- “There is truly no greater gift than to give your life away. The more we give the more He fills, and this is fullness of joy.”
- “Life just gets harder, but there is purpose in the hard…The hard places, the desert places, they mold us and they teach us who we really are–broken and completely dependent on God’s grace to give us one more day.”
- “If He can use me, He can use anyone.”
- “God knows best, even when what He is asking of us seems so impossible.”
- “Following God is an education of its own.”
Why Did Katie Go?
Katie Davis chose to “value God’s plan, His calling, and His love over everything else. Everything.” Why did she choose such a life of sacrifice? Jesus. Her sold-out, radical, life-changing love for Jesus.
What Can You Do?
I’m so glad you asked that question. God calls each of us to different missions and assignments. But all of us were created for God’s own pleasure and to bring Him glory, whatever work He gives us. God may call some to go; others to stay. He may prompt some to adopt; others can sponsor a child, or give to improve water, provide meals or school supplies, and so much more.
Let God speak to your heart. But if He leads you to, check out Amazima Ministries. There you can read more about Katie and her work, her blog, find her book, and ways you can be involved in God’s amazing work.
* Quotes are taken from Kisses from Katie, (c) 2011, by Katie Davis, Howard Books, New York, NY.