Characteristics of Our Fathers
You might describe your father as your own superhero. Some of you might use less flattering words. Many either don’t remember or never had a real dad.
My own dad was a wonderful, caring man. But none of us would include perfectionism in describing our fathers. Here are five characteristics of the perfect father. Know anyone like this?
Characteristics of the Perfect Father
1. He has no favorites but loves all His children unconditionally.
2. He is always right.
3. He is forever faithful and will never abandon His children.
4. He is always available.
5. He always knows the wise thing to do.
Now, I’ll let you find the matching Scripture. Just who is this perfect Father?
Characteristics of
Psalm 91:15 NASB; Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV; Romans 16:27 NASB; Psalm 119:73 MSG; Acts 10:34-36 MSG; 1 John 3:1 NLT
There is only One who meets all those characteristics. And that’s just the beginning. Do you know Him? This Father’s Day, don’t forget to wish Your heavenly Father a Happy Father’s Day, too! (Every day is His day!)
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, I’m so glad you’re my heavenly Father. “Perfect” describes you well. Thank you for loving me unconditionally as Your child. Draw close to those who have never experienced an earthly or heavenly Father’s love. Let them know how incredibly special they are–and how much You love them and want them to be Your children. Happy Father’s Day, God! You are the perfect Father!
Day-votedly Yours,
You might also enjoy this post I wrote called, A Prayer for Fathers and Grandfathers.
It’s Your Turn
What other characteristics of fathers would you add to this “Perfect Father” list? How has God been the perfect Father to you? You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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