“Rebecca has the pen of a poet, and the heart of a disciple–which makes At Home in My Heart stirring and relevant.” – Patsy Clairmont, Author of It’s About Home and Stardust on My Pillow.”
Does your heart long for change? Renewed joy, simple attitudes, lasting peace? What if you invited the Master Designer to redecorate your heart? What if He showed you simply but effectively how to make your heart a beautiful refuge–a warm, inviting place where love dwells and peace reigns?
Listen…Could that be Him knocking at the door?
Many women long for a heart change — renewed joy, simple attitudes, lasting peace. But they are unskilled in this area of redecorating, unsure of where to start. At their invitation, the Master Designer will renovate their hearts, showing them simply, but effectively, how to create a beautiful refuge — a place where love dwells and peace reigns.
At Home In My Heart is an inspirational gift book for women filled with stories, essays, quotes, and tips to help women discover the joy of Christ’s indwelling presence. Using a home as a metaphor for the heart, At Home In My Heart takes women through the rooms of a house, giving them designer tips on how to “redecorate” their hearts — God’s way. Why? Not to produce model homes, but to create open hearts where Christ’s love is felt and seen…hearts that draw others near to the presence of God.