Most of us don’t like to wait. Yet even with our latest technology advances, experts say we spend an average of two years of our lives waiting for something: red lights, traffic backups, doctor’s appointments, grocery lines, income tax refunds, and insurance checks.
We wait for babies to be born, boring sermons to end, houses to sell, and kids to grow up. We usually prefer fast-food, instant communication through social media, immediate profits, and magical answers to difficult questions.
Wait on God
When we wait on God, however, He gives us new perspective. How intensely are we to wait? Psalms 130:5-6 says, “more than they that watch for the morning.” We are to wait on God like night guards who never slack their attention, but who are eager for dawn to emerge, when the long, tiring, stretch of darkness has evaporated.
Contrary to what some believe, waiting is active, not passive. Waiting gives time to renew our energies. When we wait on God, He gives us wisdom on how to use that inner strength positively.
I’ve touched on this subject earlier, but we need the reminders often! These are by no means exhaustive, but here are four ways to wait on God:
Greet the Lord each morning with praise and thanksgiving. Read His Word, jotting down specific promises and instructions.
Maintain an attitude of prayer, communing with God throughout the day. (Pray continually, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV).
Give adequate time for making decisions. Wait for God’s go-ahead.
Use times of stress, illness, or sorrow as reminders to learn–and listen–to God.
To Wait on God Gives Margin
Because of the stress and overload we experience, Dr Richard Swenson says we all need more “margin.” “Margin,” he says, “is the amount allowed beyond that which is needed.”¹
Waiting on the Lord is a good way to insure the marginal reserves our physical and spiritual bodies will need throughout the day.
¹Richard A. Swenson, M.D., Margin, How to Create the Emotional, Physical, Financial, & Time Reserves You Need (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1992, 2004).
My husband and I have experienced many seasons of waiting: waiting on God, waiting for God, waiting with God. We are in a season of waiting right now. And each time God calls us to wait, He always answers in His time and in His way.
I looked up the word “wait” recently in the Bible in various translations. I found several ways we are told to wait: wait patiently; wait confidently, wait expectantly, wait courageously, and wait silently–just to name a few. And the results of waiting (on or for the Lord) are always positive. When we wait, we learn to trust God more and not depend on our own understanding. A deeper trust in God always brings a sweeter peace to our spirits.
My Personal Prayer for You
Dear Lord, I admit that waiting on you is not always easy. But waiting on You, for You, and with You doesn’t mean I’ll sit around twiddling my thumbs. You have given me work to do in the meantime. Waiting on You is progressive as I allow You to fill up the marginal reserves I need to live for You. Thank You for allowing times when we can actively listen for You and for the wisdom You offer when we do.
Day-votedly His,
For a deeper perspective on this subject, review this post I wrote, Five Questions to Ask When You’re in God’s Waiting Room.
It’s Your Turn
When is it most difficult for you to wait on God? What have you learned by waiting on God? I’d love to hear from you anytime. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the e-mail will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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