Today is the 13th in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas Prayers celebrating the names of our precious Lord. Featured today is El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One. I hope these simple prayer blogs will enrich your Christmas season and draw you closer to the One who is the true reason for Christmas.
El-Shaddai, The All-Sufficient One – Day 13
Lord, everything our hearts will ever need, we can find in You. You are El-Shaddai, a God who dreams impossible dreams–and accomplishes them through Your believing children.
El Shaddai, You Are God of the Impossible
You are sufficient for every crisis. You are enough to heal our hurts. How You love to show Your might and power to a disbelieving world, just like You did through Abraham and Sarah! Everything is possible with You, Lord.
Like kittens whimpering to nurse their mother, we cry out to You, our El Shaddai. In a world of empty dreams, You are God of the impossible, our God Almighty. You are the One who supplies every need. You fill us up.
Hold us close, Lord. Where else would we go, if not to You?
Help Our Unbelief, El Shaddai
This Christmas, we celebrate You as our El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One. We believe, Lord. But help our unbelief, the parts of us that waver. Use us this Christmas to bring encouragement to others who need it. Show us how to bring hope to the hopeless and faith to the faithless.
Thank You for Your constant faithfulness to us, Lord!
“I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless,” (Genesis 17:1 NIV).
What Does El Shaddi Mean to You?
How has He been your All-Sufficient One this year?