SUCCESS? A mom may gauge success more by her kids’ accomplishments, rather than her own–even their behavior, and her effectiveness in influencing them. The salesperson tends to measure success by the number of sales, the size of commission or bonus, his promotion–or lack of it–and his effectiveness in producing results.
Lessons I Learned (and Re-learned) in 2014
What did God teach you this year? What lessons did you learn? It would take a book to list them all and to explain how, when, and where God re-emphasized His truths for me. But here, in a nutshell, are 20 simple lessons I learned (and relearned) in 2014. In fact, they are probably lessons He teaches me repeatedly, year after year:
A Blessed Christmas to You
My Christmas Prayer for You
The Why of God’s Answers
Ever wonder about the why of God’s answers? Why does He answer the way He does? No matter what the answer, one reason remains the same.
Book Reviews and Book Giveaways
I’m starting out a new year of blogs with not one, but two book reviews and giveaways: a fiction and non-fiction book. I think you’ll enjoy both of these books. I did. Read on to see how to enter these book giveaways.