My husband and I recently sorted through memorabilia from the past, including letters that we wrote to each other while dating. Would you believe that one year he was away at college, we wrote to each other every day? Re-reading those letters together has brought many a smile–and tear–to our hearts. Texts, e-mail messages, and social media posts have replaced much of the art of letter writing. And that’s sad to me. Because those represent time and sacrifice from the giver unlike any other gift. Loving words from the heart bleed gold, no matter how or when expressed. What about …
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Four Ways to Wait on God

Most of us don’t like to wait. Yet even with our latest technology advances, experts say we spend an average of two years of our lives waiting for something: red lights, traffic backups, doctor’s appointments, grocery lines, income tax refunds, and insurance checks. We wait for babies to be born, boring sermons to end, houses to sell, and kids to grow up. We usually prefer fast-food, instant communication through social media, immediate profits, and magical answers to difficult questions.
Some Roses Bloom in December
A Blessed Christmas to You and Your Family

A Blessed Christmas to You and Your Family My Personal Christmas Prayer for You My personal Christmas wish and prayer for you is that you will fall in love with Jesus over and over and over again this year. Whether you live alone or with a houseful of loved ones, remember you are loved by God. He sent His most precious gift to you at Christmas!
3 Things You Can Always Pray for at Christmas
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