What is a father? Whether our fathers were absent or present, we all share memories of what our father is/was like. Only God is the perfect Father. But this is my Father’s Day Tribute. Will you share yours?
A Prayer for Parents, Grandparents, and Their Children in Difficult Times
At times the challenges of parenthood are frightening and confusing. Prayer for parents is so important. I remember those years of parenting well, when my cries for wisdom and help stormed heaven’s gates daily. But during difficult times like these, when nothing seems normal, and so many families are struggling just to get by, I’m convinced even more of the need for prayer. Do you feel that way too?
Five Ways to Solve Irrational Fear
Mind-crippling, spine-tingling, heart-stomping fear–we’ve all experienced it at one time or another. Here are five ways to handle irrational fear.
Six Truths about God’s Character That Can Change Your Life
If we can believe and activate these truths about God, they will change us inside and out.
Ten Simple Ways to Add Balance to Your Days
Keeping life balanced is not easy for anyone, but here are ten simple ways that might help you find discipline and grace–and add balance to your days.