Finding Balance
Seasons of life run their course, and no matter who we are or at what stage we’re at, we often see balance as an impossibility.
You can focus on a project you love and not even miss eating, or you may procrastinate your unpleasant tasks and bow to the tyranny of the urgent. You can help others reach their dreams but never realize your own. Or you may even teach about intimacy with God but never spend time with Him yourself. Do any of those fit you?
We can usually find an excuse to fit every situation: It’s the kids, my boss, my husband or wife. It’s my health, my editor, or my age in life. Believe me, I’ve offered my share of excuses along with you. But I long for this thing called balance, don’t you?
Keeping Life in Balance
Keeping life balanced is not easy for anyone, but here are ten simple ways that help me daily. Maybe it will give you a good place to start:
Spend some time alone with God—prayer, Bible study, meditation.
Encourage someone else by doing something nice for them–a loved one, neighbor, friend, or stranger.
Complete something that is necessary (not your favorite, but good for you).
Add a physical exercise—walking, aerobics, jogging, weight training.
Do something you enjoy.
Include a mental exercise—reading, writing, journaling, working a puzzle.
Learn something new—from a textbook, magazine, newspaper, blog.
Laugh out loud.
Record a blessing—give thanks, writing down if possible.
Give something away: a compliment, a gift, time, your testimony, a kind deed, money, or goods.
Try placing this list near your computer, on your desk, in the bathroom, or on the refrigerator—wherever you’ll see it the most often.
Balance is a Discipline and a Grace
Sound too disciplined? In his book Freedom of Simplicity, (HarperOne, 1997), Richard Foster says that simplicity is both a discipline and a grace (“because it is given to us by God”).
Adding balance to your day is similar. Surprisingly enough, these “simple ways” may not be so simple, but the more you work at it, like any discipline, the more you’ll be giving a wise gift—to yourself—to God–and to others.
“Mark a life of discipline and live wisely; don’t squander your precious life” (Proverbs 8:32, The Message).
*You might also enjoy this post I wrote, called Simple Words to Live By.
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, you know and understand our struggle to find balance for our lives. Help us to put You first–in the center of our lives–so that we won’t squander the precious life and gifts You offer to us. Give us boldness to try new things and to discover the joy and freedom of truly living simply, yet purposefully. We’re tossing our excuses, donning discipline, and embracing You and the wisdom You so graciously promise to us. Thank You for Your constant help and faithfulness.
Day-votedly Yours,
It’s Your Turn
Which of these simple ways are most challenging for you? What other ways do you add balance to your days? I’d love to hear from you anytime. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the e-mail will come to me. Your name or info is not shared with anyone.
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