Wherever you are this year, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May our voices blend as one as we give thanks to our faithful Father God!
Do You Really Want a Healthy Lifestyle?
When we hear our physician speak the words “healthy lifestyle,” our thoughts may turn to the gym, our refrigerator, or a bulging waistline. What should we give up? What can we keep? How can we change? Do you really want a healthy lifestyle? Finding nourishing choices and achieving balance in our lives can be a challenge. Food is one factor to consider, but what else should we focus on?
A Unique Way to Encourage Others
Has anyone ever encouraged you? If so, you understand how that feels. What if you could make encouragement a boomerang, or a “pass it forward” gift to offer others as well? With only a little effort and minimal expense, here’s a unique way to encourage others that will make a difference in anyone’s life:
A Prayer for God’s Heavenly Protection
Do you need God’s heavenly protection in your life? Do things ever happen that drive you to your knees? Regardless of your current circumstances, below is a prayer for protection that may help you and encourage your faith
When Life Is Not Fair, How Do You Respond?
How do we respond when life is not fair? What choices do we have?