They may be your children, your grandchildren, your friends, or your relatives. As graduates, they may qualify as “young” or “young-at-heart,” like 98-year-old Noa Olchs, who earned her master’s degree one year from Fort Hays State University. But they are all in need of your encouragement. Here are ten ways you can encourage them:
A Prayer for Those Who Need God’s Help
The doctor calls. Bills increase. Finances decrease. Accidents happen. Answers hide. Worry enters. Stress abides. Do you need God’s help in any area of your life? Are emotional, physical, and spiritual flood waters rising out of control? Is God interested in your needs? Have you tried to solve those needs by yourself? How is that working out for you?
Palm Sunday – An Easter Meditation
Jesus’ story never grows old. He is still what Easter is all about. I pray this Easter meditation about Palm Sunday will bless and encourage you.
A Prayer for Personal Revival and Restoration
If you long to experience renewed joy, hope, and life, join me in this powerful prayer for personal revival and restoration.
Have You Discovered Any Buried Treasure Lately?
Have you ever searched for buried treasure? Better still, have you ever discovered any? Here are some ways you might try: