How do you Worship God? Day-votional Truth on Worship, and what real worship includes.
What Does God’s Love and Grace Look Like Today?
A picture is worth a thousand words. A video is worth even more. Here’s a modern day picture of God’s love and grace.
God Had Dreams, Too
God’s Creativity Who hung the stars in space and hollowed out the ground? Who raised the earth until it loomed majestically toward the sky in snow-covered brilliance? And who wrote the prescription for your eyes, hair, body shape, and gifts? God’s creativity is amazing.
Promise for Today: God’s Healing
We often hear the requirements for God’s healing in the first Scripture reference below, especially on the National Day of Prayer. The second reference is quoted less. We know the result of turning back to God. But do we understand the alternative? We desperately need God’s healing.
Book Giveaway and Top 10 Posts for 2010
Top 10 Posts for 2010 These were my top blog posts for 2010: