Aging and forgetfulness seem to go together like salt and pepper. Severe memory loss is no laughing matter, but most seniors find themselves in good company when memories fade momentarily.
Karen O’Connor Writes about Those Moments
Author Karen O’Connor has tapped into that subject, and her latest book, 365 Senior Moments You’d Rather Forget, will bring laughter you’ll easily remember. Here’s a sample or two:
“Using Easter seals on envelopes and mailing them and then wondering why you still have so many postage stamps.”
“Backing into the garage door because you forgot to push the button on the automatic garage door opener.”
(from 365 Senior Moments You’d Rather Forget, (c) 2012, by Karen O’Connor, Harvest House Publishers)
Aging Is Not the Only Cause of Forgetfulness
Aging is not the only cause of forgetfulness. I discovered early on that some personalities have…um…more of a tendency to forget than others. Some of us have “selective memory.” Here’s a familiar scenario from my life as a younger woman:
Inevitably when my husband and I would travel, about halfway to the airport I’d begin my pitiful apology:
“‘Honey, I think I forgot something.'”
“‘What did you forget this time?'”
“I’d name a half dozen unimportant items: ‘Hair spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant.’ He’d roll his eyes with that ‘not-again’ look.”
“‘Rebecca,’ he spoke over my droning, ‘we’re going to be late. Didn’t you make a list?'”
“‘ PMS medicine,’ I continued methodically.”
“‘Your what?'”
“‘I also left my PMS medicine.’ I smiled sweetly.”
“My husband must have entertained a vision of a mad woman racing through the kitchen waving a knife. Before I could continue, he pulled a Uey, and we would be headed back home to retrieve my sanity-in-a-bottle. We managed to hop on the plane just as they were closing the gate.”
(c) Rebecca Barlow Jordan, from Courage for the Chicken Hearted
Selective Hearing?
Of course, how many husbands (or wives) would admit to “selective hearing” at one time or another (tuning out what we’d rather not hear)? That’s a form of forgetfulness most of us would rather not admit.
Does God Have Selective Memory?
But what about God? Does He ever forget anything? Does He have selective memory?
The first time I read Isaiah 49:15, those words brought great relief. Read God’s lips: I will not forget you. What a wonderful promise! No matter how forgetful we may be–now, or as we age, God will never forget us! Our names are written indelibly on his heart–and in His Book of Life.
The only selective memory God uses, relates to our sin. Once we are forgiven, He remembers our sins no more (Isaiah 43:25). Since God has perfect memory, ultimately that means God chooses to forget. He no longer holds us accountable for those sins. Jesus paid our debt. What a precious truth to hold close to our own hearts!
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, no matter how long we’ve called earth our home, we’re all aging. And we all forget things! Help us to worry less about the things that don’t really matter, and spend more time remembering and loving You! Thank You that You will never forget us!
Day-votedly Yours,
What about you? What have you forgotten lately? What does God’s “selective memory” mean to you?