Is any place really safe in this world? Through the years people have looked for places to hide, but there is only one safe hiding place. Here are some of the reasons why some may look for a hiding place. Maybe these reasons apply to you–now or in the past:
The Day My Life Changed and How Your Life Can Change Too
I was only eight. Old enough to realize I didn’t know everything–nothing, really. But I knew enough to say yes to someone who would change my life forever.
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 19
This is the 19th in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas Prayers celebrating the names of our precious Lord. Featured today is Jehovah Shammah, The Lord Is There.
When Broken Becomes Whole
The Value of Brokenness The disciples could not comprehend Jesus’ words at His Last Supper with them. For three years He had taught them, fed them, and lived with them, preparing them for such a time as this. When Jesus’ fingers broke the bread and passed it out to his chosen twelve, He was telling yet another story—a true one about to unfold before their eyes.