Is any place really safe in this world? Through the years people have looked for places to hide, but there is only one safe hiding place. Here are some of the reasons why some may look for a hiding place. Maybe these reasons apply to you–now or in the past:
Ten Reasons Why People Look for a Hiding Place
1. Hiding from Parents (Rebellious kids or teens may hide, especially from discipline
2. Hiding from Storms and Natural Disasters (Sometimes even the best preparations fail to give protection)
3. Hiding from Unpleasant Circumstances or Situations (Often because of the inability to face them, as in denial)
4. Hiding from “Irregular” People (Those who have challenging personalities)
5. Hiding from Employers (Usually where dishonesty or fear is involved)
6. Hiding from Responsibility (Selfishness, fear, or laziness may rule)
7. Hiding from Authority (As in cases of crime or fear of punishment)
8. Hiding from Threats of Danger (Perhaps from fear of domestic or sexual abuse, from terrorism, or from persecution as a Christian or from unjust leaders)
9. Hiding from Loved Ones (Fear of discovery of harmful, controlling habits)
10. Hiding from God (The One Person from whom we cannot hide)
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shelter of the Almighty (v. 1, NKJV). I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (v. 2, NIV). He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge (v. 4, NIV).
The One Safe Hiding Place
In reality, there are no truly safe hiding places but one (Psalm 32:7). We can never hide from God. He created us and knows everything about us (Psalm 139) But we can hide with Him, and in Him (Psalm 11:1).
The American Eagle
I love the picture of the American eagle, with a wingspan of anywhere from six to ten feet. Young eaglets are safe underneath the huge wings of their parent. And those wings are powerful! If an eagle sees an eaglet in danger, (or seeking an enemy for prey), it can fly at 200 mph to scoop it up. The eagle believes in protecting its young.
In Kenneth Price’s book, The Eagle Christian, he shares some remarkable facts about the golden eagle. The golden eagle has a unique series of tissues in its eyes that act as a built-in gyroscope. As long as the eagle is away from its nest, it feels imbalanced, even pressure in its eyes, often painful. As the eagle comes closer to home, however, the pain reduces. It can find its way home even from thousands of miles away because of this God-given sense of direction. Not only that, but it can see objects from miles away.
Our homes here on earth are only temporary. One day we’re going to our real home that God has prepared for all His children who have chosen to follow Him. If we are wise and use eagle eyes, we will discern where home really is. And no matter how painful life becomes on this earth, or what we go through (our children, too), the pain begins to subside the closer we get to Home–the more we see our real purpose here on this earth and our real destination. (Wise parents and grandparents will teach their children where home really is).
A Metaphor for God – Our Secret Hiding Place
The eagle is a great metaphor for God: He is our “secret hiding place.” The Most High God is our “refuge.” And there is safety “under His wings.” He may take us through the storm or around the storm, but either way, God is the only safe hiding place.
The Psalmist says that whoever dwells–lives–in that secret place will rest. Where? Under God’s shadow–underneath His wings, covered by His feathers.
Because we live in a fallen world, we as Christians will not escape every danger. But when we live in God’s hiding place, He will bring us safely to the “other side.”
And when you are resting in that one hiding place, you need never fear–ever.
My Personal Prayer for You
Almighty God, where can we run, but to You? We have no safe hiding place but in You. Spread your wings over us today; protect us with Your mighty wings of love. Teach us to fear only You. Draw us closer to You, Jesus, for we belong to You. And we rest with sweet confidence in Your ultimate protection. We do not fear what others can do to us, because as Your children, we know You and love You. Not even death can separate us from Your forever presence (Romans 8:38)!
Day-votedly Yours,
* This is a revised post that I first published in the past.
It’s Your Turn
Have you ever looked for a hiding place? How has the Lord God been your hiding place? I’d love to hear from you anytime. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then it will come to me. Your name or info is not shared with anyone.
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