They may be your children, your grandchildren, your friends, or your relatives. As graduates, they may qualify as “young” or “young-at-heart,” like 98-year-old Noa Olchs, who earned her master’s degree one year from Fort Hays State University. But they are all in need of your encouragement. Here are ten ways you can encourage them:
A Unique Way to Encourage Others
Has anyone ever encouraged you? If so, you understand how that feels. What if you could make encouragement a boomerang, or a “pass it forward” gift to offer others as well? With only a little effort and minimal expense, here’s a unique way to encourage others that will make a difference in anyone’s life:
A Prayer for Comfort for Those Who Need It Most
Have you ever needed prayer for comfort? We all have, at one time or another. And we all know someone or have heard of others who desperately need peace and comfort in their lives right now.
RX for The Gift of “Blurt”
Do you have the gift of “blurt?” Ever find yourself sticking your foot in your mouth? Years ago we were keeping our two-year-old grandson, and we noticed he kept sticking his foot (sandal) in his mouth, biting his shoe, while riding in the car seat. “Yuk!” I’d say. “Don’t put your foot in your mouth!” I’d yank it out. Then he’d look at me with mischievous eyes and do it again.