Do you have the gift of “blurt?” Ever find yourself sticking your foot in your mouth?
Years ago we were keeping our two-year-old grandson, and we noticed he kept sticking his foot (sandal) in his mouth, biting his shoe, while riding in the car seat.
“Yuk!” I’d say. “Don’t put your foot in your mouth!” I’d yank it out. Then he’d look at me with mischievous eyes and do it again.
Just a Curious Child
“No, Sweetie! Shooey! Yukky!” I didn’t know what words to say to emphasize the meaning enough for a toddler to understand.
One time he decided to munch on the ground up gum mixed with black asphalt pebbles that clung to the bottom of his sandal. I guess he thought that might taste cool. “Shoe’s dirty!” I’d take the sandal out and a few seconds later, the game would begin again.
Like other kids his age, our grandson was just a curious child. It was a game to him. As time passed, he discovered that’s not the best thing to do. After all, shoes carry germs. And germs can play havoc with our health.
Encouraging Words Matter
We’re not kids anymore, and as grownups we know better than to stick our foot in our mouths. But unfortunately we do it anyway. Yuk! When that happens to me, I jokingly refer to it as the “gift of blurt.” But it’s not always a laughing matter. Encouraging words matter. They make a difference to those who hear them.
You know what I’m talking about: words you spit out faster than you allow your brain (or the Holy Spirit) to edit them. We may utter an uncensored piece of truth, mixed with a gob of “grit.” We say the wrong thing, the embarrassing thing, a hurtful thing, a thoughtless thing. And once we stick our foot in our mouth, the damage has been done. The germs are spread and they carry their “poison” to all who hear. Spiritually, it’s extremely “unhealthy.”
Exchange for God’s Encouraging Words
Wholesome, encouraging words give grace to the hearer. It’s time to grow up and stop putting a sooty foot in our mouths. Perhaps it would even be wise to remove our shoes in the presence of God and allow Him to put His words in our mouths instead.
Do not let any unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment that it will give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29 NIV).
RX for the Gift of “Blurt”:
Encouraging Words that Bring Grace to the Hearer and Greatness to your Life or Business
“You may be right.”
“I forgive you.”
“I was wrong.”
“God loves you, and so do I.”
“Thank you so much. I appreciate you.”
“It’s my pleasure.” (Chick-fil-a® has built a great business by training their personnel to emphasize these three simple words to every customer.)
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord Jesus, put Your words in our mouths so we can speak encouragement to others: words that can heal, edify, add value, and make a difference to others. Forgive us for the blurts we so often speak without thinking. Make the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be sweet, filled with the power of Your Spirit. Someone needs a kind word, a helpful word, a patient word today. So before we open our mouths, help us to think and pray before we speak. Thank You for the encouragement in Your Word. Your words give the life and light we need so much. Because You give us unlimited, amazing grace, help us to offer that same grace to others as well.
Day-votedly Yours,
You might also enjoy this post I wrote called, Five Words that Can Change Your Life and the Lives of Others.
It’s Your Turn
What’s your prescription for the gift of “blurt”? What humorous experiences have you had with the gift of “blurt”? What kind of words bring grace to you (and can spell greatness to the lives of others)? I’d love to hear from you anytime. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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