Finding God in the outdoors is easy. His fingerprints are all over His creation. We learn so many lessons about His character when we stop and listen. All through the year, but especially in springtime and summer, I seem to hear God’s whispers and lessons when I’m outside. Is it any wonder that God loves to speak to us in places like the garden–where He first walked with man and woman?
Whether you like the outdoors or not, I believe these simple truths and lessons will draw you just a little closer toward our Creator.
Finding God is a Great Recycler
I discovered that while doing a little “re-purposing” in my garden. The old garden swing we’d had for over 30 years needed replacing. A few of the back slats had wiggled loose, the paint had faded, and it no longer felt safe. So we decided to replace it. But what to do with the old one? Too many memories to discard. Surely it could find a new purpose.
We hung it on the fence and turned it into a plant holder!
Then we replaced the old swing with a new one.
Have You Ever Felt “Recycled?”
How many times have you felt “recycled?” Maybe you lost your direction, or suffered a tragedy. Perhaps you experienced a failure, or just felt like you were in the wilderness for a season. Or you might even have been replaced by someone younger or more “useable.”
But God hasn’t forgotten you, and He is not finished with you yet. He’s the Recycler, and He’s the Potter. We’re in good hands. I’m so glad God re-purposes us and keeps on using us, even when the paint is peeling…aren’t you?
Here are a few other pictures from my garden to show you how I learned the same lesson. It’s amazing how many things can be recycled from other people’s discards.
I found this beside a dumpster on one of my walks, destined for the garbage. A little white spray paint transformed the picket gate, and I found a great place for it.
I “created” a flower out of a plate and bowl that I recycled from a garage sale ($1.00) and added it in front of the recycled gate. A bargain plant from Lowe’s, pulled from the shelves and condemned to the bargain table, ($1.00) added additional color.
Much of my entire garden contains recycled treasures, now re-purposed and destined for a new kind of beauty. Their once beloved glory may have passed, but they serve a new purpose, maybe even a better one than before.
Finding God outdoors happens daily for me. Every time I walk out in the garden, I smile and thank God for the lesson I learned from Him. God loves to “re-purpose” His children!
A Truth to Remember
The diligent man [or woman] makes good use of everything he finds. (Proverbs 12:27b, TLB).
(P.S. There’s not enough room (and not enough time) for me to show you the rest of my recycled garden goodies, but if you’d like to see more, you can follow me on Pinterest. I’ll be sharing more pictures there, along with a few how-to’s in my gardening folders and inspirational quotes, as well as ideas from others).
You might also enjoy this post on God the Great Recycler.
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, thank You for creating so many beautiful things in our world for us to enjoy, including outdoor, springtime gardens. Thank You that You also choose the principle of recyclying and re-purposing, whether objects, or people. You don’t “throw” us on the junk heap. Instead, You work with us, reshape us, and re-make us into something truly beautiful for Your glory. You bring beauty from ashes. Help us to see what You see, Lord. May we find Your hand of creation, and Your lessons for us in the outdoors. Teach us the importance of thriftiness as well, so we can learn to recycle and re-purpose the things around us. Help us to be wise with our resources and develop the spirit of generosity with the gifts You have so graciously given us.
Day-votedly His,
It’s Your Turn
What has God taught you about Himself in the outdoors? Have you ever felt “recycled?” What new thing is He doing in your life right now? What usable things have you recycled or re-purposed? You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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