Finding God in the Outdoors can involve private sanctuaries, only in a different way than what you might think.
God’s Holiness
As much as I love colorful, growing plants, I discovered I also enjoyed garden art. You’ve seen some of those in past blogs. But several pieces I’ve found or purchased have created not shrines, but private sanctuaries in my yard: creative reminders of special encounters in the garden–with a Holy God. They teach me even more about His character.
Reflection of His Glory
A gazing ball (and I have stationed several throughout my gardens) reflects at a glance God’s surrounding creation and reminds me that I, too, am a reflection of His glory.
Living Water, Enjoying His Presence
A birdbath symbolizes Living Water that both refreshes the fowl of the air and nourishes parched human hearts. An antique settle (half of an old iron bed), a long-standing hammock, and our porch swing (not pictured) beckon me to sit awhile and enjoy His presence.
Love Lives Here
A small garden stake I found with “Love” on it makes me smile at the reminder of God’s precious love for me, proved by Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Angels Watching
No matter where I go, this little stone garden angel helps me remember that my God has His angels watching over me continually! Psalm 91 is a great chapter about God’s protection.
Intimate Fellowship
This bench, well placed among calming ferns, reminds me again to take time to enjoy precious intimate fellowship daily with Jesus. An inexpensive, simple sign above it points out that “With God All Things Are Possible.”
I hope as I’ve paraded you through some of the private sanctuaries I’ve created in my gardens, that you will be encouraged to create your own–or at least to watch for God’s sweet reminders wherever you go outdoors. He’s waiting to show you if you’ll ask Him to.
Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise, who shout on parade in the bright presence of God (Psalm 89:15, MSG).
I wrote more about these thoughts in one of the chapters in my book, At Home in My Heart, Preparing a Place for His Presence. Whether inside our homes or outside in our gardens, we can prepare a place for God’s presence–and create places and spaces to remind us of the faithful character of God.
And if you would love to draw closer to God through intimate conversations with Him, I hope you’ll check out my latest book, Day-votions with Your Faithful Father: 90 Days with the One Who Wants to Meet All Your Needs. He wants to share His heart with you–and He’s waiting to listen to you, too. He cares about every need in your life!
You might also enjoy this post I wrote called, Beauty Is In the Eyes of the Creator.
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, thank You for revealing so much of Yourself in creation. How Your character shines, whether indoor or outdoors! I love preparing a place for Your presence with special “sanctuaries”–not statues or things we worship–but simply reminders that You are a Holy God, worthy of worship and praise, a shelter, and protection for us. You are the Living Water, and Your love for us is unconditional. And Lord, I’m so grateful that nothing is impossible with You. How we need those reminders daily–both in Your Word and in Your creation. Thank You for giving us the creativity to carve out special places where we sense and feel Your presence so sweetly. You are Spirit, but You are a personal God who loves us just as we are, and who loves to fellowship with us. You are amazing, God!
Day-votedly Yours,
It’s Your Turn
What has God taught you about Himself in the outdoors? Have you created any special places outdoors that draw you close to Him? What new thing is He doing in your life right now? You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission. Please do not reproduce any of my blog posts without express and written permission from me.
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