I’ve often heard that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. I discovered that firsthand on a walk through our neighborhood one year. As my husband and I rounded the corner of a nearby street, I noticed something sitting by the curbside of a home. I immediately saw beauty – garden art–in what someone else had designated as a discard for garbage pickup.
Actual Garden Treasures
Yes, those pictures above are actually the treasures I found–and how I ultimately decided to use them in my backyard. Yes, it really was a decorative twin headboard and footboard. And yes, I did ask the neighbor if I could rescue them. 🙂 (The picture of the white stool was also a curbside reject I found another time.)
I love garden art–decorating my garden–almost as much as gardening itself. My earthly father taught me about salvaging useable goods. I can still see images of my dad walking down the alley toward our house, wagging home some recyclable discard he’d rescued from a nearby dumpster.
Visualizing Beauty
I also learned early on that beauty is in the eyes of the Creator. My heavenly Father’s love taught me that. If He could love someone like me and visualize beauty in one who was destined for the garbage truck, then perhaps I could learn to visualize His beauty too.
But not just in garden art. God wants us to see His beauty in everyone. Each of God’s precious creations has the potential for beauty, but maybe they can’t see it in themselves. While it’s God’s job to do the rescuing, we can point others to the Creator and Master Designer and help turn them away from the “garbage pickup.”
I love the quote by Chris Cooper, the horse trainer in the movie “Seabiscuit.” When someone wanted to shoot a horse with an injured leg, Chris convinced them not to: “You don’t throw a whole life away just because it’s banged up a little bit.”
All of us have been “banged up a bit.” But God saw such potential in us and loved us so much that He sent His son Jesus to restore the beauty He first visualized in us: “And while we were still discards, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8), my own interpretation).
It’s What God Sees that Counts
I’m so grateful God saw something useable in me years ago. Do you feel the same way? I may feel anything but beautiful at times. But it’s what God sees that counts. You see, real beauty is in the eyes of the Creator.
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, you know where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re headed. We desperately need you to remind us of the beauty you see in us, and to help us visualize your potential for our lives. Fill us with fresh purpose and joy so we can help others who have been “discarded” for garbage pickup. Thank you for making us your own special treasure!
Day-votedly Yours,
You might also enjoy this post I wrote, “Finding God in the Outdoors: Private Sanctuaries.”
Would You Like to Discover More of Your Faithful Father’s Heart?
What if your needs were special invitations from God to experience His faithfulness in a greater way? Would you like to discover more about your faithful Father, how He truly feels about you, and how much He longs to meet all your needs? Whatever your need, He has the supply and IS the supply!
Through intimate prayer conversations with God, based on His attributes, activity, and His powerful Word, I’d love to help you discover your faithful Father’s heart in my new book, Day-votions® with Your Faithful Father: 90 Days with the One Who Wants to Meet All Your Needs. You can find it here or on Amazon.Â
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