Prayer for graduates is so important, especially during challenging times. If you are a graduate, a relative, or a friend of a graduate, here is a prayer for graduates that can bring help, blessing, and encouragement:
Easter Prayer of Hope and Encouragement
Are you searching for something to lift your spirits? Do you need assurance that life still holds promise? Are you wondering if you still matter? Whatever your need, may this Easter prayer of hope and encouragement touch you and usher in a new sense of God’s love and presence:
Promise for Today: Empty Tomb, Full Heart
The empty tomb was a promise in itself. But none of Jesus’ disciples understood. When Jesus died, their hearts were empty. Their world collapsed. For three years, day and night, they ate, slept, and breathed Jesus. He was Life to them. What would they do without Jesus?
Lessons Learned from Past Years and A New Year’s Prayer for You
Before you read my New Year’s Prayer, I want to share a few thoughts from my heart with you. I guess you could title this, “Rebecca Unplugged,” because it’s one of my longest posts.
Ten Ways to Live in the Moment – for Eternity
“Live in the moment.” What does that mean? No matter what age you are, time passes quickly–too quickly. Do you ever feel that way? An act of violence, a tragic accident, a devastating illness can affect our lives at any moment. How can you make the most of each day? How can you live in the moment and make each day count for eternity? Here are ten ways that might help you get started: