Habits can be good or bad. But if you can change this one habit, it may affect not only you, but literally thousands in your lifetime.
Five Signs of a Spiritual Freeze-Up
We can’t prevent the snow blanketing much of our country. Will winter never end? But a more serious condition can paralyze us. When it comes to spiritual growth, can you recognize the five signs of a spiritual freeze-up?
Book Giveaway: Mornings with Jesus 2015
It’s time for a Guideposts giveaway: the new devotional book, Mornings with Jesus 2015. This time, I’m featuring Guideposts‘ new devotional book, Mornings with Jesus 2015. Eleven writers helped write this new devotional, and this is the third year I’ve been privileged to join that writing team. Every time I study and learn more about Jesus, and every year I experience more of His love and grace, He grows more precious to me. Here’s an excerpt from one of the devotions I contributed to this book:
Book Review: Unquenchable, by Carol Kent
Carol Kent’s new book, Unquenchable, takes a hard look at the fiery struggles and trauma in the lives of believers who have walked through the painful, “but if not’s” of life. I hope you enjoy this book review.
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 25
This is the 25th–the last–in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas Prayers celebrating the names of our precious Lord. Featured today is Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords.