We all need fresh hope and a new perspective, not only at the beginning of a new year, but all year long. What do your eyes see today? Are you unable to see anything but problems, troubles, chaos, messiness? Are you finding it difficult to pray for comfort, perspective, hope and order? We all encounter seemingly hopeless situations at times, but that is why Christ came and why he gave us the Holy Spirit – because we need hope in the deepest parts of us! If you’re having trouble getting your words to rise above the clutter, pray along with these …
What God’s Love Does for Us
The power of God’s love is unchangeable, unstoppable, and indescribable. The truth about His love lies in His Word–and in His character. His love is truly amazing!
Do You Believe What You Pray? How Bold Are You?
Many of us would agree that we should be bold when we pray. But are we bold enough to believe what we pray? Is there a difference?
Finding God in the Garden
Finding God in the Garden is easy. When springtime rolls around, it’s hard for me not to write about my favorite season. Visions of pink and blue hydrangeas, white gardenias, yellow daylilies, coral heuchera, and purple petunias dance in my head. Every year I save up for colorful replacements or new varieties. There are some things about this time of year, however, that can destroy its beauty–if I let it.
Where Do You Go to Find Peace?
The world offers little but “get through it the best you can.” Where do you go to find peace?