What is heaven like? Who will be there? What will we do? What makes it a home? If we were to gather all the questions people have asked about heaven and the new earth, it would no doubt fill a huge volume.
Lessons from Alaska about God’s Character and Ours – Part 2
What lessons from God’s creation can we find about His character, especially in Alaska? This is Part 2 of my blog posts on Lessons from Alaska about God’s Character and Ours. I could probably take these lessons from God’s creation and expound on each one for several blog posts! I hope you enjoyed the first five lessons.
The Day My Life Changed and How Your Life Can Change Too
I was only eight. Old enough to realize I didn’t know everything–nothing, really. But I knew enough to say yes to someone who would change my life forever.
How Big Is Your God?
People form their ideas about God from various sources: books, other people, their own fathers, movies, television, personal experiences, the internet, and yes, even the Bible. What about you? How big is your God?
What If You Can’t See God’s Footprints?
What if you can’t see God’s footprints or your own? What then?