Most of us don’t like to wait. Yet even with our latest technology advances, experts say we spend an average of two years of our lives waiting for something: red lights, traffic backups, doctor’s appointments, grocery lines, income tax refunds, and insurance checks. We wait for babies to be born, boring sermons to end, houses to sell, and kids to grow up. We usually prefer fast-food, instant communication through social media, immediate profits, and magical answers to difficult questions.
When the Future Seems Uncertain, Where Is Your Security?
Sometimes the things we hold dear slip through our fingers like shifting sand. Life changes overnight, and fear wells up like an oil well about to spew. And you’re left, wondering. What happened? What now? When the future suddenly seems uncertain, where is your security?
A Wedding Prayer for the Bride and Groom
More than ever today, as a husband and wife unite in marriage, they need the prayers of friends and loved ones to help them build a strong foundation of godly love established on Christ, their Rock. If you want to give something special and lasting to a couple on their wedding day, here is a prayer you can offer on their behalf.
Finding Hope When Good Intentions Go Bad
Good Intentions This year would be different. After all, gardens take work–and energy. I planned to minimize and maintain, nothing excessive this year. No need to buy new flowers. That’s why I planted perennials. It all started with five bags of mulch–one bag per rose. That should make a soft cushy bed for my new rose garden and an easy way to discourage weeds. Veggies from previous years, too deprived of necessary sun, lost their place to this heartier variety of Knock-Out® rose.