Prayer for graduates is so important, especially during challenging times. If you are a graduate, a relative, or a friend of a graduate, here is a prayer for graduates that can bring help, blessing, and encouragement:
A Prayer for Mothers and Grandmothers to Bless and Honor You
Here is a prayer especially for mothers and grandmothers because you are so deserving of blessing and honor for who you are and for all you do. No matter what your age, single or married, this prayer for blessing is for every good work, every good word, and every act of love you have ever offered on behalf of the ones you love.
Easter Prayer of Hope and Encouragement
Are you searching for something to lift your spirits? Do you need assurance that life still holds promise? Are you wondering if you still matter? Whatever your need, may this Easter prayer of hope and encouragement touch you and usher in a new sense of God’s love and presence:
A Prayer for Those Who Need God’s Help
The doctor calls. Bills increase. Finances decrease. Accidents happen. Answers hide. Worry enters. Stress abides. Do you need God’s help in any area of your life? Are emotional, physical, and spiritual flood waters rising out of control? Is God interested in your needs? Have you tried to solve those needs by yourself? How is that working out for you?
Five Reasons It May Be Hard to Forgive Ourselves and Others
Hard to forgive? “I won’t forgive. And I won’t forget.” Like hot lava spewing from a live volcano, those confessions usually flow from a heart that’s been broken or crushed. Victims of violence, hatred, or even life’s accidental losses often have difficulty seeing beyond the hurt or the pain. Who can blame them? No one wants to walk in their shoes. And no one wants to make heartache their best friend.