One year I bought a new plant called ornamental mustard. Beautiful leaves, pretty colors–different from anything I owned. I wasn’t sure where to plant it, but I knew we’d find a place for it. New plants always perk up the garden, especially in Fall, when some things are fading. I found a temporary spot on the back porch until I decided on its permanent home. But I forgot something vital about that plant.
When You Need to Know Where God Wants You
Our pastor’s wife, Jana Howerton, recently led an online Flourish Bible study for women. I know she blessed many women, including me, with her encouraging teaching. Her last lesson, “Flourishing in Your Calling,” was a great reminder to me of how we can truly bless God and others wherever we are. As I was searching ideas for this week’s blog post, I remembered a post I had written several years ago in which I talked about how God had helped me find my “calling” or where God wanted to use me to bless Him and others. I hope today’s …
Finding God in the Outdoors
Finding God in the outdoors is easy. His fingerprints are all over His creation. We learn so many lessons about His character when we stop and listen.
Bible Promise for Today: Growing Stronger
Growing older can mean growing stronger. We can still bear “fruit”–that which gives evidence of life and vitality. But how?
The God of Your Buried Dreams
God is not only the God of your buried dreams. He’s also the God of surprises.