Growing older can mean growing stronger. We can still bear “fruit”–that which gives evidence of life and vitality. But how?
Is Your Goal to Stay Young and Attractive?
Today people spend ridiculous amounts of money trying to keep themselves young and attractive. “Older” is not a goal, but a curse for many. Some worry about wrinkled skin or double chins. Others fear being placed on the “shelf,” replaced by younger candidates. But the fact is, we will all be there someday. We will all grow old.
The late Dick Clark testified that he learned to think younger by being around young people. And there may be some truth to that. But he still grew older, just like the young stars he helped to promote.
Growing Stronger; Older, But Not Stagnant
“But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. for they are transplanted into the LORD’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, ‘The LORD is just! He is my rock! There is nothing but goodness in him!’ (Psalm 92:12-15, NLT)
I love this promise, because it applies to every believer who chooses to trust in the Lord for his past, present, and future. As we age–and we all will–we don’t have to grow stagnant or wither. While our bodies may weaken, our spirits can become even stronger. Not because we are growing in an established family garden, but because we have been transplanted into God’s own garden. When that happens, our relationship with God just gets better.
Like cedars, the “godly,” or those who belong to God, will actually flourish. They will still bear “fruit”–that which gives evidence of life and vitality. They will still make a difference for Jesus–because they are connected to the Lord, growing stronger in His own garden.
What You Believe About God Makes a Difference
As you look at the last part of these verses, I think a key to staying green and growing stronger is that our faith and trust is in a God whom we believe is capable of nothing but good. That means no matter what happens to us or those around us, no matter how huge the storms that have crashed through our lives or our world, we are holding on to Jesus, our Rock. And we know and believe that a just God will bring good out of everything in our lives (Romans 8:28). That attitude alone is sweet fruit in a world filled with negativism and attempts at self-preservation. And it’s becoming rare.
Whether you’re 19, 39, 59, or 89, this promise is for you. Let God determine what it means to “flourish like a palm tree” and “produce fruit in old age.” Where, when, or how is His business. Not even growing older can steal the real “you” from God’s beautiful garden. Your part is to trust and believe in a God who has “nothing but goodness in him.” That’s especially true about all His promises.
My Prayer for You:
Lord Jesus, help us to abandon our preconceived ideas about growing older. Usability has nothing to do with age, but everything to do with Your plan and purpose for all of us. And Your desire is that our spirits would keep growing stronger in You, day by day, until you call us home or come back again to receive us–whichever comes first. Though it’s painful, keep us pruned. But above all, keep us close and connected, drawing our nourishment from You and Your Word daily. We abandon our excuses because of physical limitations or past mistakes. We long to reach out to others with strong limbs of love, and to reach up to You in gratitude and praise. Keep us green, Lord!
Day-votedly His,
*You might also like this blog post along the same lines: Why God’s Promises Don’t Change When You Grow Old
It’s Your Turn
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