In fiction, asking “What if?” can create dozens of plot possibilities. But in real life, can asking “What if?” steal your joy or bring you peace?
Finding Hope and Joy in the Story of Your Life
Your life is a story. How are you living it? How can you find hope and joy in the story of your life?
Book Reviews and Book Giveaways
I’m starting out a new year of blogs with not one, but two book reviews and giveaways: a fiction and non-fiction book. I think you’ll enjoy both of these books. I did. Read on to see how to enter these book giveaways.
Can God Send Your Fears Packing?
When we see something we don’t understand, we often assume it is something harmful. Frustration–or fear–overwhelms us and may paralyze us. When that happens, can God send your fears packing?
What Are You Reading, and Why? Part 2
Today is Part 2 of last week’s blog: What Are You Reading, and Why? Today I’ll continue to answer that question we often see on Facebook, and tell you about some more good books I’ve read in the last year and a half. Again, some of these are oldies but goodies, and many are newer. I know some of the authors. Others I feel I know, after reading their stories.