My husband and I recently sorted through memorabilia from the past, including letters that we wrote to each other while dating. Would you believe that one year he was away at college, we wrote to each other every day? Re-reading those letters together has brought many a smile–and tear–to our hearts. Texts, e-mail messages, and social media posts have replaced much of the art of letter writing. And that’s sad to me. Because those represent time and sacrifice from the giver unlike any other gift. Loving words from the heart bleed gold, no matter how or when expressed. What about …
Four Ways to Wait on God
Most of us don’t like to wait. Yet even with our latest technology advances, experts say we spend an average of two years of our lives waiting for something: red lights, traffic backups, doctor’s appointments, grocery lines, income tax refunds, and insurance checks. We wait for babies to be born, boring sermons to end, houses to sell, and kids to grow up. We usually prefer fast-food, instant communication through social media, immediate profits, and magical answers to difficult questions.
What Makes Your Heart Sing?
God laid on my heart this week to share a two-part blog series with you again. “Someone needs this,” I heard Him whisper. Maybe it’s you.
Feeling cranky, tired, discouraged or edgy? Sure, it could be hunger or hormones, but the problem could go deeper.
Ten Ways to Live in the Moment – for Eternity
“Live in the moment.” What does that mean? No matter what age you are, time passes quickly–too quickly. Do you ever feel that way? An act of violence, a tragic accident, a devastating illness can affect our lives at any moment. How can you make the most of each day? How can you live in the moment and make each day count for eternity? Here are ten ways that might help you get started:
3 Back to School Prayers for Students
Prayers for students need our high priority, especially as they head back to school. Our college, high school, and younger age students all face a multitude of challenges daily, and they depend on our encouragement and prayers more than ever to help them succeed. Friends, faith, and schoolwork consume a large portion of our students’ time and concerns. Whether they are studying at home or in a classroom, they will need our prayers. The situations may change, but the truths will remain.