One of the best ways you can prepare your children this year as they go back to school is through prayer. And praying Scripture over them is one of the most powerful ways to pray. Here are five back to school prayers you can pray for your kids and grandkids:
Do You Need Encouragement in Your Discouragement?
Ever been discouraged? During a time of discouragement recently, God reminded me of some important truths. These are the whispers of encouragement He impressed me to write and remember. I hope they encourage you, too.
What If You Never Make the Top Ten–or Anyone’s List?
Each year you’ll usually hear or read about a list of people who have made the “Top Ten”: Top Ten Fashion Designers, Top Ten Bloggers, Top Ten Musicians, Top Ten Authors, or Top Ten Wage Earners. We may never see our name on a “Top Ten” list–or on anyone’s positive kind of list. Things in our lives can easily slip from bad to worse. And it’s entirely possible that some circumstances will never change, no matter how hard we try to influence them. Life may never seem fair. How can we possibly handle that without giving in or giving up?
When Life Is Not Fair, How Do You Respond?
How do we respond when life is not fair? What choices do we have?
Do You Need a Divine Appointment?
The “stuff” of life consumes us, confuses us, and clouds our perspective daily. We try to write the pages of our lives our way, but we end up with volumes of unnecessary rewrites. When we add the most important story ingredient daily, not legalistically, but with a dry, thirsty spirit, God enters, and changes us–and our story. We all need a divine appointment.