Prayer for peace is something we all want and need. And while we all crave different kinds of peace, perhaps one that we all struggle with most from time to time is inner peace–peace within. If so, today’s blog is for you. While I always encourage you to pray your own prayer, perhaps these thoughts will be helpful to you. It’s yet another one in a series of helpful prayers I’ve been sharing with you for a few weeks.
Finding God in the Garden
Finding God in the Garden is easy. When springtime rolls around, it’s hard for me not to write about my favorite season. Visions of pink and blue hydrangeas, white gardenias, yellow daylilies, coral heuchera, and purple petunias dance in my head. Every year I save up for colorful replacements or new varieties. There are some things about this time of year, however, that can destroy its beauty–if I let it.
When You Can’t See the Beauty for the Mess
Home and Family Expectations What are your expectations for your home and family? Do you expect less messiness and more beauty? And how do you respond when you can’t see the beauty for the mess? Here are a few ideas to help you get started:
Book Giveaway – Mornings with Jesus 2016
It’s time for another book giveaway. Once again, I’m featuring a Guideposts devotional book, the new Mornings with Jesus 2016. For my fourth year now, I’ve been privileged to join a team of other gifted writers to compose the Mornings with Jesus devotionals, including this one.
Four Deadly Habits That Can Paralyze Your Time and Energy
Years ago when I was going through a difficult time, a counselor warned me about four deadly habits that can paralyze your time and energy. She called them time wasters. But these four deadly habits are not only time wasters; they can also steal your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They can render us useless, ineffective, and depressed. I can testify. Been there, done that. What’s the solution? Is there hope to overcome them?