There are so many good gifts we can give our children (or grandchildren)–at Christmas, and all year long. Last week we talked about three of the five best gifts to give them. Today, I’ll share the last two:
Five of the Best Gifts to Give Your Children
At Christmastime or anytime, what parent (or grandparent) doesn’t want to give good gifts to their kids? But what kind of gifts should they choose? Here are five of the best gifts you can give your children of grandchildren:
Prayers with Kids at Bedtime
Prayers with kids or grandkids at bedtime is more than a ritual. They need that spiritual nudge, that personal hug from God and you to give them a sense of security and love. You know that praying to end the day, thanking God for all that was experienced, asking for rest and a fresh start tomorrow, is an important habit to build in your kids.
Back to School Prayers for Kids and Grandkids
As my husband and I were praying for our kids and grandkids today, God impressed me to put aside another blog I was working on and to revisit one I had already posted a while back. In this season of our lives, we feel like some of the most important work we can do is to pray for our children and grandchildren. More Challenges, More Temptations With school starting again soon, our young family members will face more pressures than ever.
When You Can’t See the Beauty for the Mess
Home and Family Expectations What are your expectations for your home and family? Do you expect less messiness and more beauty? And how do you respond when you can’t see the beauty for the mess? Here are a few ideas to help you get started: