Society labels them as Stars. Aren’t these the role models, the trend setters, the scholarship winners, and the bold headliners? Aren’t these the truly successful players in life? All the rest? Just garden variety. But what does God say about that? And what if you’re not one of the stars? What does being faithful mean? Where do you fit in God’s lineup?
Garden Variety Players
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. – 1 Corinthians 12:27
For years, Daron dreamed of playing basketball. He practiced daily after school.
His dad bought a backboard and goal, and together they shot hoops in the driveway.
In his freshman year of high school, Daron failed to make the basketball team. Discouraged but refusing to quit, he kept practicing and attended all the games. He hung around after school and watched the guys practice. In his sophomore year, Daron tried out again. This time he made the team but sat on the bench most of the year. But he kept on practicing.
As a junior, Daron finally got his break and became a regular on the starting lineup. Although he could hit 75 percent of his shots, the coach rarely changed the rules: “Get the ball to Jim–as much as you can.” Jim was the star of most games. He won the Most Valuable Player every year for three years and received a complete scholarship to a nearby college.
Daron expected no scholarship. After all, he was just a garden variety player. One day a coach from a prestigious university out of state called him, offering him a full scholarship.
“Why would you want me?” Daron asked.
“We’ve watched videos of you and your team in action, and we’re impressed with your team skills. Lots of guys can be a star. But it takes a team–and a team player–to win successive games.”
We may feel like “garden variety” Christians, being used in only small ways. We wonder how we could make a difference. But God is not in the business of recruiting “star” players. What He wants is a faithful heart, willing to serve Him as Heaven’s team player.¹
¹Rebecca Barlow Jordan, “Garden Variety Players,” Copyright 2002 Cook Communications Ministries, In the Garden with God by Honor Books. Used with permission. May not be further reproduced. All rights reserved.
What about you? Writer? Mom? Grandparent? Executive? Teacher? Student? Office Clerk? We’re all team players to God! No matter who you are or what you do, it’s not whether you’re the best, but that you’re faithful in what you do for Him!