Do we…can we…mirror God’s heart? How can we reflect our Father God’s heart?
A Valentine Prayer Letter to My Spouse – Husband and Wife
My husband and I recently sorted through memorabilia from the past, including letters that we wrote to each other while dating. Would you believe that one year he was away at college, we wrote to each other every day? Re-reading those letters together has brought many a smile–and tear–to our hearts. Texts, e-mail messages, and social media posts have replaced much of the art of letter writing. And that’s sad to me. Because those represent time and sacrifice from the giver unlike any other gift. Loving words from the heart bleed gold, no matter how or when expressed. What about …
Is There Such a Thing as Unfailing Love?
“I’m in LOVE.” “Let’s stay in love forever!” “Do you still love me?” “How do I know you really love me?” “I don’t know if I love you anymore.” From the moment we utter our first cry on earth, we crave love.
Do You Want This Kind of Love?
Whether you’re single or married, you are not alone in your desire to be loved. Valentine’s Day can bring a smile to the faces of those who feel loved, or a deep longing in the hearts of those who don’t. The truth is, people spend a majority of their lives searching for love that won’t fail, but many never find it. Do you want this kind of love? It’s the kind of love that will always be there for you.
The Perfect Valentine
We love to give Valentines to each other at this time of year. But someone gave us the best one of all–the perfect Valentine. And He’s the source of all Love.