“Live in the moment.” What does that mean? No matter what age you are, time passes quickly–too quickly. Do you ever feel that way? An act of violence, a tragic accident, a devastating illness can affect our lives at any moment. How can you make the most of each day? How can you live in the moment and make each day count for eternity? Here are ten ways that might help you get started:
A Unique Way to Encourage Others
Has anyone ever encouraged you? If so, you understand how that feels. What if you could make encouragement a boomerang, or a “pass it forward” gift to offer others as well? With only a little effort and minimal expense, here’s a unique way to encourage others that will make a difference in anyone’s life:
How to Speak Words of Life
What kind of words can you speak that will bring life to those around you? Here are three kinds of words–words of life–you can offer:
Bible Promise for Today: Growing Stronger
Growing older can mean growing stronger. We can still bear “fruit”–that which gives evidence of life and vitality. But how?
Field of Dreams
Have you entertained your own “field of dreams?” Have you ever helped someone with theirs? Is there a “Randy” in your life? How could you encourage someone today?