Want to start a new fashion trend? Try wearing an invisible towel and using Jesus’ definition of greatness.
RX for The Gift of “Blurt”
Do you have the gift of “blurt?” Ever find yourself sticking your foot in your mouth? Years ago we were keeping our two-year-old grandson, and we noticed he kept sticking his foot (sandal) in his mouth, biting his shoe, while riding in the car seat. “Yuk!” I’d say. “Don’t put your foot in your mouth!” I’d yank it out. Then he’d look at me with mischievous eyes and do it again.
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 10
We’re all guilty sometimes of desiring great events and exciting passages for our lives. But Jesus, Son of David, greatness was not Your aspiration or goal.
Where Do You Fit in God’s Lineup?
Society labels them as Stars. Aren’t these the role models, the trend setters, the scholarship winners, and the bold headliners? Aren’t these the truly successful players in life? All the rest? Just garden variety. But what does God say about that? And what if you’re not one of the stars? What does being faithful mean? Where do you fit in God’s lineup?