Before you read my New Year’s Prayer, I want to share a few thoughts from my heart with you. I guess you could title this, “Rebecca Unplugged,” because it’s one of my longest posts.
A Valentine Prayer Letter to My Spouse – Husband and Wife
My husband and I recently sorted through memorabilia from the past, including letters that we wrote to each other while dating. Would you believe that one year he was away at college, we wrote to each other every day? Re-reading those letters together has brought many a smile–and tear–to our hearts. Texts, e-mail messages, and social media posts have replaced much of the art of letter writing. And that’s sad to me. Because those represent time and sacrifice from the giver unlike any other gift. Loving words from the heart bleed gold, no matter how or when expressed. What about …
Some Roses Bloom in December
From the winters of our lives God may bring surprises. God’s miracles are often found when we least expect them, because some roses bloom in December.
What Makes God’s Heart Sing?
Here are five ways you can make God’s heart sing. The answers may surprise you.
Do You Need Encouragement in Your Discouragement?
Ever been discouraged? During a time of discouragement recently, God reminded me of some important truths. These are the whispers of encouragement He impressed me to write and remember. I hope they encourage you, too.