A Blessed Christmas to You and Your Family My Personal Christmas Prayer for You My personal Christmas wish and prayer for you is that you will fall in love with Jesus over and over and over again this year. Whether you live alone or with a houseful of loved ones, remember you are loved by God. He sent His most precious gift to you at Christmas!
3 Things You Can Always Pray for at Christmas
If you’re wondering what to ask or pray for at Christmas, here are three things you can always add with confidence to the top of your list:
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to Remember Daily
Here’s a prayer for Thanksgiving to help you not only reflect on your blessings, but also to remember every day who you are.
What Makes God’s Heart Sing?
Here are five ways you can make God’s heart sing. The answers may surprise you.
When the “Gottas” Try to Get You: Four Ways to Find Peace and Rest
Need a little more peace and rest? Have you ever struggled with a case of the gottas? You know, I gotta do this; I gotta do that! Other voices whisper (or shout) trying to steal your peace: “You have to!” “There’s so much to be done!” “I’ll never catch up!”