Drooping. Lifeless. Abandoned. Destined for the trash. Appropriate word choices for the plant sitting on the bargain rack of our local home improvement garden section. But you wouldn’t describe these flowering petunias with those same words, would you? Yet that pathetic description fit this hanging plant perfectly when I bought it a couple of weeks ago. Could it bloom again? Would it form soft, lilac petals again on its tired, worn stems?
What Matters to God?
God Cares Others will forget you, and what you do. But God won’t. God cares.
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 16
Today is the 16th in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas Prayers celebrating the names of our precious Lord. Featured today is Jehovah-Raah, The Lord Our Shepherd.
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 15
Today is the 15th in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas Prayers celebrating the names of our precious Lord. Featured today is Jehovah-Jireh, The Lord Will Provide.
Can Angels Have Four Legs?
It showed up out of nowhere…a snowy, white fur ball, pawing playfully at the frayed strings of the sheets covering my back porch plants. I resisted the urge to open the door–partly out of fear, preferring instead to observe the cat’s antics from afar. The last time I’d tried to befriend a “cute” feline, the experience proved less than “angelic.”