It’s one of the words God loves to hear, but not only at this time of year. His God-ordained “holiday” includes every day of every year. No matter what’s going on in our world or in our lives, He loves to hear this word. What is it?
Communication and Fishing: What Do They Have in Common?
For years, I’ve enjoyed fishing –or rather “catching fish” with my husband. But years ago we also learned a fishing technique we’re always working on: one that deals with communication–and one that has deepened our relationship.
Ten Steps to Healthy Friendship Confrontations & Book Giveaway
What happens when a friendship is interrupted? How do you handle confrontation with a friend? How do you deal with a sensitive or hurtful situation without fear of ruining the relationship?
Five Friends You Can’t Live Without
“A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17, NIV). That’s the kind of friend everyone wants, and it’s hard to improve on that definition. But here are five friends–five kinds of friends–you can’t live without. If you know one of them, that’s great. And if you’ve known all five, you are blessed beyond measure.