The empty tomb was a promise in itself. But none of Jesus’ disciples understood. When Jesus died, their hearts were empty. Their world collapsed. For three years, day and night, they ate, slept, and breathed Jesus. He was Life to them. What would they do without Jesus?
Palm Sunday – An Easter Meditation
Jesus’ story never grows old. He is still what Easter is all about. I pray this Easter meditation about Palm Sunday will bless and encourage you.
Good or Bad Friday?
The name “Good Friday” seems to be a misnomer. Can anything good come from death by crucifixion? Does pain have a purpose? Early in Jesus’ ministry, scoffers hurled their own ignorant disbeliefs: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
Is Jesus Real? An Easter Prayer for You
Some of us may feel like Thomas, who questioned the Lord after His resurrection appearance. At times, we too, need to know that Jesus is truly real. Circumstances leave us discouraged, and we soon forget God’s work in our lives.
Easter Is About Removing Stones
Is God dead? That’s the question debated in the new movie, God’s Not Dead. After viewing the movie, I think our capacity to believe may have to do with stones. Ones like the massive stone in front of Jesus’ tomb that we think of at Easter.