In these challenging times, is anxiety, stress, or fear holding you hostage and keeping you from rest? Do you feel burdens pressing in that seem too heavy to bear? When stressful thoughts pull you in the wrong direction, and you’re struggling to find balance, the following prayer might express your thoughts and help you find relief and freedom:
Six Truths about God’s Character That Can Change Your Life
If we can believe and activate these truths about God, they will change us inside and out.
When You Feel Alone, You Are Not Alone
Even as we’re attempting to make life count, to make a difference, or to move forward in new ways in this new year, we will still face challenges that can seem insurmountable. If that happens, remember you are not alone. In those moments, when you feel alone, I pray these words will encourage you.
How to Pray for Your Enemies: A Sample Prayer
How can we pray for our enemies? Perhaps one of the hardest commands Jesus gives to us as His disciples is to bless, love, and pray for those who mistreat us or who want to harm us. In ourselves, we can’t. But through the power of God’s Spirit working through us, all things are possible. Through Jesus, we can pray for our enemies. Here’s one way you might pray:
What Is Grace? Ten Things I’ve Learned about Grace Part 2
What is grace? How would you define this mysterious concept? Last week I shared five things I’ve learned about grace. Here are the other five lessons I’ve discovered about this wonderful, unforgettable gift: