It’s easy to lose hope and to form our own conclusions about life when we look at our circumstances. But that’s not always an accurate picture. A better way is to look up. Examine the track record of God’s faithfulness. It’s flawless, just like Him.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to Remember Daily
Here’s a prayer for Thanksgiving to help you not only reflect on your blessings, but also to remember every day who you are.
What Makes Your Heart Sing?
God laid on my heart this week to share a two-part blog series with you again. “Someone needs this,” I heard Him whisper. Maybe it’s you.
Feeling cranky, tired, discouraged or edgy? Sure, it could be hunger or hormones, but the problem could go deeper.
When the “Gottas” Try to Get You: Four Ways to Find Peace and Rest
Need a little more peace and rest? Have you ever struggled with a case of the gottas? You know, I gotta do this; I gotta do that! Other voices whisper (or shout) trying to steal your peace: “You have to!” “There’s so much to be done!” “I’ll never catch up!”
Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours
Wherever you are this year, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May our voices blend as one as we give thanks to our faithful Father God!