“It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” When I saw that quote by Mark Twain, I thought about the movie, Courageous. It demonstrated effectively both kinds of courage–physical and moral–and showed that if you’re courageous, with God’s help, you can truly change.
A Mother’s Hands Tell a Story
A mother’s hands tell a story. The picture above shows my mother’s hands on her 90th birthday. She was a skilled musician, and her amazing hands filled her home with music even in the last years of her life. Six words that described her hands: Youthful, Busy, Talented, Serving, Caring, Generous.
Are Children Who Lie, Smarter?
Are children who lie, smarter? Apparently some think so. Does the research lie about kids? Read on and decide for yourself. What biblical principles give you parenting helps?
Grandma, Pe-po, Gee-ma, or Gramps? What’s in a Name?
Depending on whether you want a traditional, trendy, or playful grandparent name, you’ll find an ample list to choose from, like this one. Sometimes, you may not have a choice in the matter. When we became grandparents, my husband and I discovered there’s more to a name–than just the name:
Wikipedia describes the empty nest syndrome as “a feeling of grief and loneliness parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university.” Just as a bird prepares a nest out of bits of twigs, grass, and other sturdy ingredients to serve as a home and refuge for its babies, so we moms have built a nest through the years for ourselves and our families. When that nest begins to empty, how do we fill the vacuum?