Christmas was the night of miracles, when the long-awaited Savior was born. The Good News of His birth has been passed down for generations–the story that never grows old. We can add nothing to that story, but there is one legend that offers a sweet twist to what might have happened on that divine night of miracles.
Night of Miracles
Like a silhouette in the night, the young couple plodded through the streets of Bethlehem. Every place they stopped, they heard the same message: “No room.” Tired and discouraged, they bowed weary heads at the last inn. As they turned to go, the innkeeper shouted, “Wait! Come back! I do have a stable. It’s not much, but the straw will make a soft bed for your wife.”
Donkeys brayed. Cows mooed as if to protest this intrusion. Sheep bleated their objections. The wind outside howled angrily through the trees. But the couple settled in, speaking softly to the animals. The young woman’s time to give birth grew near. The animals grew quiet, as if furry mothers were empathizing with this painful act.
Suddenly, a loud wail pierced the night air. Then silence. Deafening silence. Every animal in the stable turned and looked at the young couple–as if listening for the grand finale. And then it came. The sweet cry of a newborn Baby and a mother’s hush. “His name is Jesus,” whispered the father, as if announcing to his animal congregation.
And then legend says a strange thing happened. One by one, every cow, every sheep, every donkey, every four-footed creature present that wintry night dropped to their knees, as if bowing in humble reverence before the Holy child. Trees and plants outside began to sway in perfect rhythm, and all of God’s creation joined the angels in singing heavenly praise to the Christ born at Bethlehem.
A far-fetched legend? Perhaps. But if God could silence Zechariah, the father of Jesus’ forerunner, and make Baalam’s donkey speak to reprimand his master, could He not also give voices to His creatures on that wondrous night?
One thing’s for sure. When you embrace the miracle of Christ’s birth, it’s impossible to keep silent.¹
Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth (Numbers 22:28 NIV).
¹Rebecca Barlow Jordan, “Night of Miracles,” Copyright 2002 Cook Communications Ministries, Christmas with God by Honor Books. Used with permission. May not be further reproduced. All rights reserved.
Have you experienced a Christmas miracle that would bring encouragement to readers?