Most of us have heard what we will find in heaven, but here are 25 Things You Won’t Find in Heaven. Obviously we could name more than 25 things. When you finish reading my list, maybe you can add your own.
God Had Dreams, Too
God’s Creativity Who hung the stars in space and hollowed out the ground? Who raised the earth until it loomed majestically toward the sky in snow-covered brilliance? And who wrote the prescription for your eyes, hair, body shape, and gifts? God’s creativity is amazing.
Encouragement for Writers…and You
Call me optimistic. Persistent. Unrealistic. Dreamer. But I learned as a writer to discover God’s encouragement in the most ordinary places–like a surprise of Springtime in Winter.
Book Giveaway
Because marriage and family is one of my passions, I’m pleased to share with you a book by Pam Farrel in today’s marriage book giveaway: 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband. Pam is a delightful woman of God, a great author, and a friend that I’m glad to recommend!
If You’re Courageous, You Can Change
“It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” When I saw that quote by Mark Twain, I thought about the movie, Courageous. It demonstrated effectively both kinds of courage–physical and moral–and showed that if you’re courageous, with God’s help, you can truly change.