What kind of Christmas blessings do you remember most? Here’s a Christmas blessing you wouldn’t easily forget if it happened to you:
A Christmas Blessing You Won’t Forget
Glen patted the wallet in his back pocket. He had landed a job after school as grocery checker at Fergeson’s Super Market and had just cashed his first paycheck. In two weeks, he would be able to make the down payment for that 1985 Chevrolet at Bud’s used car lot. A bicycle was fine for kids. But Glen was tired of the guys teasing him at school.
Times were rough for Glen and his mom. His father, an alcoholic, died in a drunken brawl when Glen was only ten. His mom suffered with chronic asthma but ironed clothes to pay the bills. Glen delivered papers for several years to supplement their income, but this new job promised more: a future. The thought of managing his own store someday made Glen swell with pride.
Upon leaving, Glen heard a commotion in the checkout line. A shabbily dressed woman pleaded with the checker: “But I must feed my babies! I don’t have enough money! It’s almost Christmas!”
Glen signed deeply and walked over to the lady. “Excuse me,” he said, pulling her away from prying eyes. Without hesitation, he reached into his pocket and placed the bills into her trembling hands. “Sshh! Now go buy your groceries.” Glen tore loose from the woman’s grateful embrace and rode home.
A few days later, Glen found an envelope from Mr. Fergeson in his time card slot. Inside it read, “Promoted to assistant manager. I need people with unselfish hearts in my business. Merry Christmas!” In the envelope was a $200 advance.
Trouble knocks at every door. But we can always find someone who suffers more. In God’s plan of economy, we are blessed so that we can bless others, in the process. He always meets our own needs.1
He gives you something you can then give away…so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God (2 Corinthians 9:11 THE MESSAGE).
1 Rebecca Barlow Jordan, “A Christmas Blessing,” ©2002 Cook Communications Ministries, Christmas with God by Honor Books. Used with permission. May not be further reproduced. All rights reserved.
Blessings are not something for us to hoard. God blesses us so that we can bless others, especially at Christmastime, but all year long. The blessings we give away are the ones we never forget.
Lord, as your birthday approaches, help us to share with others the blessings you have lavished upon us. No matter how much or how little, take our simple gifts and multiply them that others might find hope and joy this Christmas.
And thank You, Jesus, for coming into this world to give us joy, hope, peace–and life. You are our very best Christmas gift.
Day-votedly Yours,
It’s Your Turn
In what way has God blessed you this Christmas? What can you give to someone this year? Is there a Christmas blessing you’ve never forgotten? I love to hear from readers. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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