I never intended for it to be a cover-up. It was only an innocent mistake.
Several years ago I returned to my roots–in more ways than one. Yes, I’m back to brunette again. Actually the blonde was the result of a beauty salon mistake a few years prior to that: a dryer, processing gentle highlights failed to work right.
How Do You Resolve the Problem?
How to resolve the problem of hair, now with multi-colors? Only a complete cover-up would do. I liked the end result, so I kept it. Do blondes really have more fun?
The only problem was, the cover-up didn’t hold. It took more cover-ups as the roots grew out. The more cover-up jobs we tried, the blonder I got–and the less “natural” I looked. More cover-ups are never a permanent solution.
But deciding to go natural has its own problems, too. After so many cover-up applications, how do you mix the old and the new without your hair looking…striped as it grows out?
The Remedy: More Cover-Up?
The remedy, I was told, was yet another cover-up–this time, back to my roots, to the original color. That way, as the gray appears, the hair will look more natural. The only problem is now, covering up the blonde with brunette, left reddish hues. Not as natural as I had hoped.
Strange thing about cover-ups. They may work for a little while. But sooner or later the real colors emerge. But hair is not the real issue here. You know where I’m going with this, don’t you?
The Real Colors Emerge
Most of us have tried a few cover-ups in our lives. I spent several years early on trying to “cover-up” some of my mistakes. Not fun, is it? Sooner or later, the real colors emerge. Under the expert x-ray light of the Holy Spirit, layer upon layer is cut and gradually exposed–until the cover-up colors are completely gone.
A Permanent Solution
God has done His own cover-up job for us. And the mistakes we thought would define who we were or how we would live have been completely covered under the blood of Christ. His death gave us new life–one in which our super-natural colors could flourish. He put an end to any further cover-up attempts on our part.
What Really Matters?
I may or may not decide on any more future “hair cover-ups.” Robert Browning once said, “My business is not to remake myself, but make the absolute best of what God made.” Some of us are simply trying the make the best of what God made. 🙂
But I can truly say that hair color has nothing to do with how much enjoyment we find in life. Matthew 23:12 MSG says, “But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.”
The only thing that really matters about this entire conversation is the ultimate cover-up Jesus provided, and whether we accept it or not. And it is tied to a full, enjoyable, and meaningful life.
With His divine application, there’s no need for any more cover-ups. It’s definitely a permanent solution.
“You forgave the guilt of your people–yes, you covered all their sins.” (Psalm 85:2 NLT)
“I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” (John 10:10b, AMP).
It’s Your Turn
How about you? Have your attempts to cover-up ever worked? (And I don’t mean hair coloring). How has God’s grace covered you? I love to hear from readers. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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