In fiction, asking “What if?” can create dozens of plot possibilities. But in real life, can asking “What if?” steal your joy or bring you peace?
One Habit That Can Change Your Life – Now and Forever
What if I told you about one habit that can change your life in almost every area? What is one thing, one simple application, one decision–five words–that can make your life better?
A Prayer for Peace Within
Prayer for peace is something we all want and need. And while we all crave different kinds of peace, perhaps one that we all struggle with most from time to time is inner peace–peace within. If so, today’s blog is for you. While I always encourage you to pray your own prayer, perhaps these thoughts will be helpful to you. It’s yet another one in a series of helpful prayers I’ve been sharing with you for a few weeks.
Four Deadly Habits That Can Paralyze Your Time and Energy
Years ago when I was going through a difficult time, a counselor warned me about four deadly habits that can paralyze your time and energy. She called them time wasters. But these four deadly habits are not only time wasters; they can also steal your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They can render us useless, ineffective, and depressed. I can testify. Been there, done that. What’s the solution? Is there hope to overcome them?
3 Ways to Increase Your Joy in Life
We all want to get the most out of life. But discontentment can seep into the most positive personality in subtle ways. Here are three ways to destroy the three W’s of life (Wishing, Worrying, Wasting) and increase your joy in life: